With our cell-based technology platform, we are accelerating the creation of transformative medicines targeting membrane transporter proteins for patients with severe diseases


Health. Metabolism. Transporters.

Metabolism is central to the well-functioning of cells and the human body, and imbalances in metabolism are associated with virtually all diseases.

Every biological process in the body depends on the availability of building blocks and energy, provided by the flow of nutrients between cells and across organs. Minuscule molecular gating machines, called solute carriers (or in short: SLCs), are transporters that mediate the movement of substances across membranes – the natural barriers in the cell and the body. As their name, carriers, suggests, these transporters grab nutrients like sugars, amino acids, and ions and move them across cell membranes. Like dancers, the choreography of their coordinated movements make life possible, and their balanced activity makes the difference between health and disease.

We aim to change the course of disease by improving the metabolism of specific cells in selected tissues. The most direct way to control the supply and demand for cellular nutrients is to influence the function of specific SLCs by interfering with their movements. The innovative technology platform of Solgate allows us to accelerate the discovery of new drugs against these transporters on a class-wide scale.

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Our mission is to accelerate the discovery of drug candidates against solute carriers.

To achieve this, we combine our vision for targeting these molecular gates with our expertise in metabolism, disease biology, cutting-edge technologies, and drug discovery pipelines.

In our quest to restore the delicate metabolic equilibria of our bodies, we pursue innovative therapeutic modalities to bring the right drug candidate to the right patient.

Ariel Bensimon, PhD
Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer
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Enrico Girardi, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
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Andreas Gollner, PhD
Head of Medicinal Chemistry
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Stefan Kubicek, PhD
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Gaia Novarino, PhD
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Giulio Superti-Furga, PhD
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Georg Winter, PhD
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Scientific Rigor. Creativity. Excellence.

Join our fast-growing interdisciplinary team.

Our mission to target solute carrier transporters is bold and can only be achieved with the best talent and expertise. Together, we are developing novel compounds that modulate the functions of membrane transporters, bringing forward an exciting opportunity to make a difference.

We look for creative scientists that are eager to learn, with entrepreneurial drive and a passion for our mission. We believe in open-minded, collaborative teamwork that welcomes challenging ideas and innovative solutions.

At Solgate, you will have the opportunity to advance your career and take part in the exciting journey of drug discovery. We are an international team that embraces diversity and equal opportunity.

We are committed to building our team to represent a range of backgrounds, perspectives, and skills. We are always on the lookout for new members to join our team (particularly those with expertise in cheminformatics, biochemistry, organic chemistry, neurosciences, and inflammation) and are open to host trainees for short- or long-term internships. Review our advertised positions or send us an open application.

There are no openings at the moment. However, we are always ready to receive open applications. Please email your application CV and cover letter to


Solgate is located in the newly established xista science park, a growing community of technology startups and biotech companies, adjacent to Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) in Klosterneuburg, in close proximity to Vienna, Austria.

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